
Video surveillance in Dnepropetrovsk. Mounting

The central office of the Vostok company, service center, department of development and implementation are situated in Dnepropetrovk, that's why we can make special offers for enterprises and organizations of the city: presentations of video surveillance operation with demonstration of opportunities and connection of additional equipment, test shooting directly at the object, installation of video surveillance equipment step by step and testing of equipment. Mounting of video surveillance systems in Dnepropetrovsk – we will offer the best and the most efficient solutions.

Presentation of video surveillance system. You can order presentation of video surveillance system in the office of your company. For preparation we need preliminary information about your company, aims of video surveillance system implementation and anticipated results. We can offer several types of video surveillance systems. Preliminary information will allow to demonstrate necessary functions and qualities of the systems, without it we won't be able to select exactly what your company needs and justifies planned costs.

Test shootings help to find answers for the questions – what will be visible, what video camera is really necessary, rather cheap video camera or more sensitive model with higher resolution. For final decision, installation of test kit for several days can be performed. Step by step installation of video surveillance system helps to save money during implementing of the system. For example, we can start from one video camera and Patriot-light version or one video channel Video-IQ7, and then set full version of Patriot-PRO, or from Video-IQ8 to “Intellect”.

Such step by step integration gives opportunity to learn how to operate with the system, estimate its functionality without substantial investments at the first stage. As a rule, after preliminary tests and evaluation of system operation, the customer reaches the final decision of video camera location, necessary quality and anticipated effect.

Testing of video surveillance systems. For IT-service specialists and security departments of enterprises in Dnepropetrovsk we can provide testing equipment. For receiving the equipment, advance application is needed. Testing period is up to 2 weeks. It is possible that we won't be able to fulfill the request at once, because demonstration version can be used by another client (there is a queue for testing equipment in the Vostok company).