
System of control for elevators and grain drying plants

Dear Sirs! The Vostok company presents system of control for elevators and grain drying plants.

The system is for controlling over volume of grain and conditions of drying, registration, archiving of equipment readings, visual observation of technological chain on the whole, monitoring of employees' actions.

The system of control for grain drying plants is composed from following subsystems:

For visual control we offer you to set video surveillance cameras. With cameras you will be able to control main operations: reception and loading of grain to the bunker, shipping of grain from granary, work of operators, and also fixation of lab employees' actions – processes on the whole and results of the measurements.

Data from scales and batch-weigher (except basic indicators) is transmitted to the controller of remote data collection. Then the data is transmitted to the operator's working place and video surveillance system at the same time. Our control system provides round-the-clock supervision over drain dryer functioning, the operators' work and processes in the lab. Weighing equipment is connected to the controller via the port RS-485.

The controller has six inputs and four relay outputs. If needed remote and automatic control of bolts and other equipment. Only development of additional software for controller is needed.

The system fixes video information from external cameras located in the operator's room. Video, displayed by all the video surveillance cameras, is transmitted to the remote working place. Then data is archived for the last 12 hours of operation. This solution enables to transmit video information, measurement data, archives for remote working place via the Internet. Besides, archive recordings of particular time period can be looked through. Our system provides correct shut-down of the server software in case of voltage disruption and resumption of work when power is restored.