
Web design studio PIXEL

Web design studio PIXEL. The studio was founded in 2007, it offers customers the ability to quickly and for relatively little money to get a complete website with the system of administration and management.

PIXEL Studio creates sites on the basis of well-established and well-functioning patterns. Site Design based on templates optimized to work with all popular browsers - Internet, Explorer, Opera, Firefox. You can pre-select a site design from a collection of templates.

Administrative part of your site is written and professionally-oriented for the most simple and convenient data processing, and requires minimal user training - to work with Developed by PIXEL as easy as with office text editor.

After finishing work on the site Pixel Studio provides training and detailed instruction on the use of content management system. If you have any questions or have the opportunity to contact technical support and get detailed advice. Website design and site templates designed by designers studio are the intellectual property PIXEL. If you need a site with a unique design and approach to solving problems, we can recommend a studio Kharkov Screen Interactive - developer of our website.

Why is Vostok is working with Web design studio PIXEL and recommends to use its services? Because we always aim to achieve the most effective results for our clients - all the things that we do deliver, sell, implement or recommend guaranteed to earn revenue, increase profit and maximizes business efficiency.

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